I have been planning for some time now, to come back to the Camino de Santiago and re-live some of the magic, that I witnessed whilst walking during April - June 2009, the "Camino Frances".
I had hoped to spend some time at the beginning, following, as many others have, the priviledge to become a Hospitalero. I fear that I may have left it too late for this year, but will still look for an opportunity if one arrises. And things do have a tendency to happen, when we walk the " Way ", or as we congregate around it. I have plenty of experiences of that to prove to myself the soundness of this comment.
I owe my descision in part, to the many wonderful friends I made whilst walking last year. You all know who you are!! Also my friend, Amanda, who gave me the nudge in the first place. And finally to Paulo Coelho, for his inspirational book, "The Pilgrimage". I have found it difficult to re-intergrate back to the mundane and normal life that I left and so wish to set myself more challenges from the Camino, that I failed to achieve before. If you have been following my other blogs, you may already know, just what a life transforming event the Camino de Santiago has been for me and can be for anyone, possibly everyone....
Even some of my newer friends may be keen to strike out one day and walk it themselves, to experience the love I have many times described about the Journey. I really wish that one day even the worlds leaders could come and walk, meet people from all backgrounds and cultures, and see for themselves the ultimate joy and peace the Pilgrims walking, enjoy. It has been an eye opener for not only me, but many of us, who would have considered the world lost, if it had not been for our experience here.
With the new chalenge of some 1000km walking South to North, from Sevilla to Santiago de Compostella, I am sure the days will be both exciting and sometimes difficult. I do not kid myself that this will be easy, because I once walked from St Jean pied du port, through Santiago to the end of the earth at Finesterra. some 900km. The Via de la Plata, will pose new and different obstacles to overcome, as well as many new experiences on the theme of the Camino. I am told that fewer people walk this route, so am not expecting to meet with such abundance fellow "Pelerins" "Peregrinos" "Pilgrims".
With my scallop shell firmly attached to my Knapsack I will boldly seek out a way of discovering new lands, scenery, and friends. I am also attempting as a personal goal, to write a book. I have several ideas for a story, but am sure that this one will be strongly focused on my very real and present life journey. I hope to write about my journey along the Via de la Plata, writing it as I go. Literally.... I will hope to include the very people whos lives and connections are revealed to me as I travel, and show quite openly, just how this unique type of Journey can be rewarding, inspirational, and far reaching in its simple truths.
I will also continue to add poems as before but they will be found at andyspoint.blogspot.com
I also will add new camino poems to the link from this other blog which is Camino of the peaceful warrior.
If anyone has some suggestions about any of these ideas, I would be greatly appreciative of any comments or advice. Input from you would be very much appreciated. (see comments boxes at the foot of each posting)
A brave man once said. "YOU MUST BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD." What a great yet simple man Gandhi was. I say brave, because of his determination to believe in something greater than himself. And how brave do we need to be, to live this truth for ourselves. It is not with cowardice we stand up to be counted as different, knowing that we may be reviled for trying to live as peacemakers. My respect to anyone who will challenge this fear......
I will be back to add more postings asap.
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