Friday, 9 September 2011

Amazing Young People.

                 It seems an all too familiar story. Young people leave school looking for a job, because that is what society tells them they must do, and their peers, are constantly nagging them to have the latest this or that, which of course means getting into the rat race of life, where few ever escape, or even realise there is a world outside their town and monotony.
             Imagine my surprise then, when completely by chance I found the blog of a young American woman, that caught my attention. And Audrey clearly is not one of these people, pressured by their society to follow the desires, dreams and life goals of the more traditional adolescent. Now I've never met Audrey, or spoken to her, but this story has touched me with it's intensity. Instantly I became transfixed with the images before me, as I stared aghast at the terrible health conditions of some of these children and adults. Sufferers of Leprosy living in one of the poorest countries on the planet, and with only meagre provisions available to them, for relief from these prolific ailments. Her accounts are both harrowing and funny, as she details the  humour and acceptance of these people who make life so very rich, despite having very little in the way of material things, and even less by way of full use of their limbs. Almost completely forgotten by their own countrymen, they accept the help and support of the aid workers doctors and medical staff, but always seem to have something that they too can share, even though they barely survive. And we are not talking not had three decent square meals here, or missed out on a M'D's for lunch, we are talking abstract. They don't have much to smile about, but from what I read, they smile more than most of us, and are so very positive and thankful for the morsels they receive.

              Even now I am finding it hard to accept that in the 21st century people are still being so poorly cared for by their governments and aid from foreign ones. Yes, I know all about the corruption of those governments, and how we the caring sensitive givers to charity, sit back whilst our money gets spent on bribes to get even a fraction of this aid to it's intended target, feeling powerless to do more to abolish this greed and theft. I'm not about to get into a rant, (I'll save it for a rainy day) sufficed as to say that guess who is making the impact on this subject. Mostly young people.!!!
              Yes of course there are many wonderful older folk too, I'm not forgetting them here, just wishing to acknowledge the effort of one truly amazing young woman, for trying to make a difference.
               I've seen her quote some very influential people on her blog. None more relevant than Gandhi himself. As you may know he, was renowned for more than just his ability to reach peoples heart with his words. He put into practice that dedication, and never forgot who he should be. Maybe one of his most famous quotes would be this one. 'Be the change you wish to see in the world'.
I definitely believe that he would have been proud to have known Audrey Bergeson, (as would I be) and thank her for caring so much, for poor souls the rest of us have deserted. Maybe you're right, I felt some of you tense at  this, deserted is too strong a word. What about abandoned? Or maybe conceded? Conceded to the reality that most of us want our life, even if they have to suffer like this for our lifestyle to be untouched. I know that no decent person would say that, and that most of us are appalled by this dereliction of our duty, even if it is through naiveity rather than actual choice. Audrey to me, personifies someone who doesn't just preach (not aimed at any religious conviction) but practices what she preaches. Does something incredibly selfless with her talents and her abilities. Someone 'Being', the change she wishes to see in the world. I am in awe of her determination to make a difference, she is my heroine! And I will continue to be a supporter of her dreams, to show this humanity to its utmost. 
            Too many older people talk about youths like they are scum or vermin. 'We fought wars for you scroungers', some say. And that is ultimately true, they did fight. But what kind of a world emerged from the pyres of those conflicts? Little by little society has become more self serving, most young people have nothing to do and nowhere to do it, unless a few parents are willing to put some time into their education, welfare and initiate realistic goals that they could achieve. And many are believing that what their kids want are x-boxes and clothes (material things, which grown ups say are important to be a somebody) instead of their time, which costs very little. 
             What are young people supposed to read into this? No-one cares so I won't either....?
             It would appear that Audrey had a loving family background, and was encouraged to give something back, to share her talents with others, and boy does she do that!!
             If what she says on her blog were even only half the truth, then those people who's lives have been touched by hers are truly grateful, and happy to be known by her. Well done to you Audrey, and all those helping in like fashion. And I pray that many more young people will keep up the good work, for the harvest will be great. 
            Please take some time to read her stories, and let the need for us to take courage from them, open our hearts to do more. Let us all, 'Be the change'. For we shall have known the grace of love in this pursuit. And, the world will be just that one step closer to happiness!!!

Click the link below.

A Big Hug Audrey.


Peaceful Warrior.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Aubrey Nottinghams cutest busker-ette.

A Tale of odd timing.

Recently I just happened to be on a street, in a city I had once named desire, and heard the voice of an Angel, sweetly recounting my dreams.

I cannot remember the last time I had seen a young woman busking, though that is possibly more because of my lack of observation than anything else. But as I walked along that random street in one of Englands nicest cities, an unusual thing happened. This performer, was singing away, devotedly bringing happiness to the passers by, coaxing us with her wonderful voice. And in an instant, I realised that this was no ordinary moment. I had not accidentally come this way, but been brought here to hear this voice. So I did what came naturally, and sat to listen further, to the words of pleasant melody.

She sang of incredible passions, lives unfolding and loves blowing on the breeze. But it was her voice, the subtle rhythmical accent, and her provocative vocal command that brought silent tears to my eyes. I think that she noticed the affect that she was producing, as many people stopped to congratulate and drop a coin or two into her guitar case. I think that she knew, deep down inside that one day she would have the opportunity to provoke far more than a complimentary passing glance, and a few small coins. I could see the belief behind those clear bright eyes, and I could certainly hear the emotive determination in that wonderfully soothing voice. It was precious to see that confidence, and that great open smile. It had been a  profound joy to have spent a time, reminiscing, being entertained with her talent.

Now I am no Simon Cowell, no Pete Waterman and I have no documented recording or performance history with which to present this belief. All I have are my ears, and a heart and imagination being rewarded by the experience of listening to her performance. As a stranger, a regular man in the street I had heard magic.

I couldn't help but describe my thoughts, as I began to write a poem or two whilst sitting attentively listening. I could see that she noticed this, appreciating the applause too. My day had just got so much better, and sharing that few moments listening, writing and living the joy of the experience was what I had needed to smile for the rest of the day..

The poem, named 'Street Singer', can be read at my poetry blog. (Link attached)

Now my wish is only that you the reader, know of this as yet undiscovered talent. Her voice is clearly the honey that covers our breakfast toast, and feeds our souls with tranquillity. I hope that she finds great success in everything she does. I know that she is trying to fund a project to get an album produced, a CD made to sponsor her singing, performing career, so if anyone out there can help with any information, contacts or other support, please do so. I will be more than happy to pass on your information to her.

And of course if you just happen to find yourself wandering the streets of Nottingham city centre and hear enchanting music and the voice of angels then you should sit a while and relax into the wonder of her magic.

                                                              And her name is Aubrey


                                        Another song that might give you a clue is here below.


Best of luck to you Aubrey. x

Friday, 5 August 2011

The Camino Documentary

The Kings of Leon.

         During the spring of 2009 as I was some weeks into my 'first' Camino de Santiago, I came upon a crew of film makers, waiting at the entrance to the town of Sahagun. A camera man asked me if I had seen a guy with a horse carriage along the road, and I replied that yes he was still some way behind me. I had no idea then, that they were doing a documentary of the Camino, and that I would soon meet several of the characters featured in their project.

Two days later, when I was preparing to leave the village of El Burgo Ranero, I again spied the crew, we shared coffee at the local bar. Unbeknown to me then, I also met several others, whom they were following along the path to Santiago de Compostela.

My Camino was proving to be a somewhat challenging physical and mental ordeal, as I trekked the way of pilgrims across Spain, and it was no small surprise when I arrived one evening into the village of Reliegos, tired weary and desperate for some company. Who would have believed that I should meet Kings at the very next Albergue, and that they would share their table with a lowly traveller ?

A woman, well used to walking a seasoned traveller, Uschi, gave me a very friendly invitation to share the food the wine and the company of these 'Kingly' pilgrims. I was overwhelmed by the love and care that they displayed towards me as they proffered their Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh like gifts.

Over the next few days I met Hanns a great doctor, Paul (The cat) a great story teller, Carina a sharer of secrets, who like me were all walking their own Caminos' in search of answers to inner truths. These four became affectionately known to me as the 'Kings of Leon'. The photo at the top, includes three of them, and maybe you see why they earned the title.

Never the less, during the next few weeks and since, they became dear friends. I met and shared other great times with many other pilgrims too, as my poetry shall describe, and finished the Camino when I arrived at Cabo de Finestere, with my then walking partner, Cristina. 

Somehow, even after all of this, it took me a long time to understand, just what had happened to me over that six weeks of pilgrimage. I couldn't go back to 'Normal' life, the journey had opened up to me new and challenging routes of endeavour. It was later, after a request from a dear friend Kiyomi, to help her with a dissertation, (She was using the Camino de Santaigo for her masters) that I really began to understand the true meaning of the Camino, and more importantly, 'My Camino'. she had come up with a set of questions that made me stop and really think about just what it had meant to me.

Later I would come to meet Lydia briefly, and was introduced to the   
idea of the Camino Documentary.
Watching the trailer she and her team had produced, several times, soon put me back on the Camino and reminded me of the rare privilege it had been to have experienced it first hand. The people who I had known and loved were there explaining their journeys and the idea of the Camino on camera, and I couldn't help but shed a few reflective tears. 

I only hope that you could know this incredible joy, from the experience we all shared. A personal journey, yet a shared one too. We were not created to be loners, but something wonderful happens, during this walk, when you come to know yourself. 

You may think its just me being a dreamer, and you are possibly correct to a degree. But what if you aren't? What if there is more, much more that you can truly know? What if this unique opportunity slips you by and you spend the rest of your life, without real passion, having known nothing of this love?

Don't wait, please. 

Watch the trailer, discover the Camino Documentary and what it reveals.!!!

Lydia's Website, The Camino Documentary.

I wish Lydia and her team a whole world of success and hope that the complete documentary is soon on your screens. Like us all, sharing is key to her projects final success, why not see in what ways you can support her and her team and me, to share this wonderful knowledge.

Big hugs,

Peaceful Warrior.

Monday, 1 August 2011


I am presently in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

I have a very dear friend Tania, who is really looking after me well and has given me freedom of her home. Also she has shown me many new and exotic places here in the Territory of Minas Gerais, which is the original heart of Portugese occupied Brazil. I have walked the city extensively and though it is far from a regular camino, there have been many incredible things to see and visit, in this huge city. Whilst Brazil is only a 'new' federal country, it has seemingly advanced far beyond its infancy in short time. Despite the obvious disparity between the rich and the poor here, 'posh' houses being against 'slum' areas, the standard of living seems very high for many people. The poor have a wealth of opportunities given to them free from the state and government. Free health centres, dentistry and many other social services that are tackling the health and living standards of people from less fortunate areas. There are free national park areas, with a minimum car park charge, and so many buses in the cities that you will never wait very long. The ride fee is fixed for journeys within the cities, so whether you do 1 stop or all of them, it's the same price. 
In the main, the cost of living is quite high. Food and drink that is imported is incredibly costly, and even normal things like toothpaste and vegetables are higher in value that in most European countries. But like most places, if you know where to shop there are always exceptions.
In nearly every place I have visited, there have been free concerts and music available to the general public, either in parks or shopping areas.
Whilst everyone drives like Ayrton Senna, I have not yet seen one accident, which surprised me as there are more than 2.5 million people living in this city and several more million in the close regions.
I have taken to sitting most days on the Praca Sete, the heart of downtown Belo Horizonte, to add to my poetry blog. (See attached link)

The connection of four major roads in an eight way junction, seems like the perfect place to watch the world go by, in the absence of my favourite Coffee Shop, Caffe Nero. and a great place to write, despite the obvious presence of polution from passing traffic, but it is a calm island in a waterless sea.

Tania is one of the head nurses at the Health Centre,
 'Centro Saude do Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Sao Lucas'. 

Everyday she deals with people from the very poor slum areas and helps to deal with the social ills as well as the physical ones. She diagnoses most of the influx of patients, determining which need to see the doctor or diverting them to the other resources, (ie. hospital, or treatment centres) 
She also runs a bi-weekly LIAN GONG class for the residents of the slum, to help people with regulation and movement difficulties. Lian Gong is a type of movement exercise, very similar to Tai Chi.
She dreams of going to Help doctors in Africa, to treat the sick and diseased, and I for one hope that she gets the opportunity to fulfil this goal.

Last weekend we visited the Serra Piedade. A huge mountain here in Minas Gerais and a great view over the whole area, and city of Belo Horizonte.
I hope to get to see a bit more of the coast before I have to return to the U.K. so will put some pictures available soon.


Be the Change !!

     Gandhi, a man famous for his words, but more importantly his actions once said.


In other words, don't expect others to change the world for you, do it yourself, by being different. 

Other remarkable people through out history have also said or done this same thing, and many amazing things have happened as a result, to share the love that we all have within us. People like Jesus, John Lennon, The Buddah, Martin Luther King, The Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Danny Wallace and millions others who have put others before themsleves.

Of course there is much trouble on our planet, because of many complicated issues that continue to be held as important for people/races/ethnesticities/creeds. But if any of this is to bring lasting happiness it needs to stand up to the challenges of their own merits. 

One thing that continually strikes me as obvious, is the desire for people to retain their differences, but not to recognise those of others. We try to divide the planet up into little pieces, where one 'tribe' or another can practice their own brand of reality, whilst not accepting that the Earth was not created with fences and boarders. I believe that is because, this earth is created for everyone. The Earth belongs to the WHOLE human race, not just the select few, who have managed to sequester for themselves the 'rights' to more than is reasonable. I am not promoting anarchy nor any violence to rectify this wrong, but I am asking for a sense of balance to be restored to the entire planet and the human family.

For this reason, I have permanently adopted the name that better expresses who I want to be. From now on I am officially.


I pray that I can honour the name and reflect the power of the example set to me, by so many wonderfully peaceful warriors throughout history and those alive still.

Hugs and Love.


Here is a wonderful example of this, I found by accident a few days ago.

Go MC Yogi...xx

Moving Forward

Many things had happened to me whilst I walked across Spain last year, bringing into life the book that wrote itself. I have completed the book, whilst sitting in many cafes around Spain and particularly, (My favourite) the Cafe in Salamancar, called Don Quixote, oddly enough. (Cervantes story of a man on a quest for adventures)
The book has become many things. An account about a walk across Spain during the autumn of 2010. A novel of love, romance, mystery and enchantment with old fables. A fascinating collection of stories from my encounters with strangers. The coming together of dreams fantasies and realities. A story of personal discovery and development. And finally, a renewal of my beliefs in the power of the love and kindness of human kind.
